Last Updated:
March 10th, 2025
Nutrition and Addiction
We have all heard of gut feelings.’ That strong, knee-jerk emotional reaction to a specific event. A gut feeling is a hunch, a sudden intuition. We have perhaps also come across advertising of specific foods designed to promote a ‘happy gut.’ Our language and culture infuse the connection between eating and mental health. There is a scientific basis for this: 90% of the serotonin in our bodies is synthesised in the gastrointestinal tract. There is a sense, then, that our emotional and nutritional wellbeing are inherently linked. Our gastronomic and psychological lives are intertwined. Some foods comfort us for a short period, whilst others make us feel ‘good’ for a longer period. But why is this the case? Why is our mental health so caught up in our consumption, and how can we harness this to boost our wellbeing during addiction recovery?