
Ketamine Addiction Treatment (Detox and Rehab)

What is ketamine rehab?

Ketamine rehab is a specialised treatment programme designed to help individuals overcome ketamine addiction. It combines medical detox with therapy and support to address both the physical and psychological aspects of addiction.

The programme typically includes counselling, behavioural therapies and relapse prevention strategies, all aimed at supporting long-term recovery and improving overall mental health.

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When should I be considering ketamine rehab?

Addiction has a subtle way of sneaking up on individuals, often leading them to believe everything is under control until the reality of the situation becomes undeniable. This holds true for ketamine use as well. If you’ve been using ketamine, it’s essential to periodically check in with yourself to assess whether your use has crossed into problematic territory. One effective method is to ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Do you find yourself using ketamine more frequently or in larger amounts than you initially intended?
  2. Have you tried to cut down or stop using ketamine but found yourself unable to do so?
  3. Do you spend a significant amount of time obtaining, using or recovering from the effects of ketamine?
  4. Have you neglected responsibilities at work, school or home because of your ketamine use?
  5. Is your ketamine use causing problems in your relationships with family, friends or colleagues?
  6. Do you continue to use ketamine despite experiencing negative physical or psychological effects?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, it might be time to consider seeking professional help. Ketamine addiction treatment could be a crucial step in regaining control over your life and overcoming addiction.

Are there different kinds of ketamine rehab?

Ketamine rehab programmes offer specialised treatments tailored to individual needs, and these programmes are available in both inpatient and outpatient settings. Understanding the differences between these two options can help you choose the best path to regain control of your life and achieve long-term sobriety.

Inpatient ketamine rehab

Inpatient ketamine rehab involves residing at a dedicated facility for the duration of the recovery programme. This setting provides a safe and supportive environment, free from external triggers and distractions. Inpatient rehab typically includes medical detox, therapy sessions and holistic activities designed to promote overall well-being.

UKAT offers comprehensive inpatient ketamine addiction treatment programmes across the country. These programmes provide intensive support and round-the-clock care, making them effective for those with severe ketamine addiction.

Outpatient ketamine rehab

Outpatient ketamine addiction treatment provides a more flexible approach to treatment, allowing individuals to continue their daily routines while attending scheduled therapy sessions and support groups. This setting is ideal for those with milder forms of ketamine addiction or those who have completed an inpatient programme and need continued support as they transition back to everyday life.

Outpatient ketamine rehab focuses on helping individuals develop coping strategies, build a strong support network and maintain their recovery while balancing life commitments. It involves regular check-ins with healthcare professionals, participation in therapy sessions and access to resources that support long-term sobriety.

How do I know which kind of ketamine rehab is right for me?

While both inpatient and outpatient programmes are effective, the choice between them depends on the severity of the addiction. The programme staff will evaluate the individual’s condition during the initial assessment. If the addiction is deemed severe, inpatient care may be recommended to provide intensive and immediate support.

However, for those showing early signs of ketamine addiction, outpatient services may be more appropriate. Outpatient programmes offer the necessary support while allowing individuals to maintain their daily responsibilities and continue with their regular lives.

Ketamine powder in human hand

How is the ketamine detox stage handled in an outpatient setting?

If you’re preparing to go through the ketamine detox stage at home, it’s natural to feel anxious or concerned about managing the process on your own. However, it’s important to remember that outpatient ketamine addiction treatment options are specifically designed to be safe and effective.

Remember, medical professionals have assessed your situation and deemed it safe to undergo detox in an outpatient setting. This assurance should give you confidence that you will receive the necessary support and resources to navigate this phase successfully.

Understanding the detox timeline and the support provided by outpatient programmes can further ease your worries and help you feel prepared.

Initial 24-72 hours

Symptoms: The first few days are often the most challenging, with symptoms such as anxiety, agitation, cravings, fatigue and possible nausea.

These symptoms occur because the body is adjusting to the absence of ketamine, which it has become dependent on. The brain’s neurotransmitter systems are disrupted, leading to anxiety and agitation. Cravings arise as the body desires the drug it has grown accustomed to.

Outpatient support: During this period, you will have access to medical professionals who can provide medications to alleviate withdrawal symptoms and offer constant monitoring through regular check-ins, either in-person or virtually. This support helps manage anxiety and agitation, ensuring that you stay safe and comfortable.

Days 3-7

Symptoms: Withdrawal symptoms typically peak around this time, including mood swings and insomnia. The peak in withdrawal symptoms is due to the brain’s ongoing struggle to regain chemical balance. Insomnia occurs because ketamine use has likely disrupted normal sleep patterns.

Outpatient support: Behavioural therapy sessions become critical during this phase. You will also receive guidance on coping strategies and stress management techniques. Your outpatient team will be available for daily support to ensure you are progressing safely.

Week 2

Symptoms: As the acute withdrawal phase ends, the body begins to stabilise, but psychological dependence remains. The brain’s reward system, which has been altered by ketamine use, continues to influence mood and cravings, leading to feelings of depression as it struggles to function without the drug.

Outpatient support: Continued counselling and therapy are vital at this stage. You might also participate in support groups where you can share experiences and receive peer encouragement. Regular medical assessments will help adjust any treatment plans as needed. Therapeutic support will focus on addressing depression and persistent cravings, providing tools and strategies to manage these symptoms.

Week 3 and beyond

Symptoms: Physical symptoms significantly reduce, though psychological symptoms like cravings and depression might linger.

Outpatient support: Long-term strategies for relapse prevention become a focus. Ongoing therapy sessions help address underlying issues related to ketamine use. Your support network, including medical professionals and support groups, remains active in your recovery process.

UKAT London Clinic’s 28-day online ketamine rehab programme

UKAT London Clinic (ULC) is excited to launch its innovative 28-day online ketamine rehab programme, specifically designed to provide flexible and customised treatment for individuals struggling with ketamine addiction. This comprehensive online programme is structured to adapt to the unique needs of each participant, ensuring effective and personalised care, all from the comfort of your own home.

How the 28-day online programme operates

Our online rehab programme offers a flexible, rolling 28-day structure that accommodates participants’ schedules, allowing for treatment sessions during the night, evening or weekends. This design ensures that you can integrate the programme into your life seamlessly, receiving the care you need without interrupting your daily activities. The online format allows you to undergo treatment in the comfort and privacy of your own home, making the recovery process more convenient and less disruptive.

Comprehensive therapeutic approaches

To address all aspects of ketamine addiction, our programme incorporates a variety of therapeutic methods, including:

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT
  • Holistic Methods (like yoga and art therapy)
  • One-on-one counselling
  • Group counselling

Start your recovery journey today

Join the UKAT London Clinic’s 28-day online ketamine rehab programme and take the first step towards a healthier, addiction-free life. Our dedicated team is here to support you every step of the way. Contact us today for more information and begin your path to ketamine addiction treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I detox from ketamine at home?
Detoxing from ketamine at home is possible but may be challenging due to potential psychological symptoms; it’s advisable to seek medical support to ensure a safe and comfortable process.
What should I do if I relapse?
If you relapse, recognize it as part of the recovery process, reach out to your support system, and refocus on your goals without self-blame.
How long does ketamine withdrawal last?
Ketamine withdrawal typically lasts about 1-2 weeks, with symptoms like cravings and mood changes peaking in the first few days and gradually improving.
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Who am I contacting?

Calls and contact requests are answered by admissions at

UK Addiction Treatment Group.

We look forward to helping you take your first step.

0808 250 2626