
Heroin Addiction Treatment (Detox and Rehab)

What is heroin rehab?

Heroin rehab is a structured treatment programme designed to help individuals overcome heroin addiction. It begins with medical detox to manage heroin withdrawal symptoms, followed by therapy to address psychological dependence. Rehab programmes offer personalised care, including individual and group counselling, to develop coping strategies and prevent relapse. Through these combined efforts, individuals regain control of their lives and achieve lasting sobriety.

The ultimate goal of heroin addiction treatment is to support a successful and sustainable recovery journey.

Man taking drugs

When is the right time for heroin rehab?

Heroin’s allure is powerful, enslaving millions worldwide, often pulling people in for life after just one hit. If you’ve used heroin even once, it’s wise to consider seeking help immediately.

Heroin’s grip is strong and often swift, making it crucial to take steps towards recovery sooner rather than later. The longer heroin use continues, the harder it can be to break free from its cycle. By considering rehab now, you’re addressing current usage and preventing potential future struggles.

One of the biggest misconceptions about heroin rehab is that it’s only for those with severe addiction issues. The reality is that different types of rehab services can be incredibly beneficial at different stages of addiction. Whether you’re at the beginning of your journey or dealing with a long-term addiction, seeking help early can make a significant difference in your recovery.

In what setting can heroin rehab be taken in?

When considering heroin addiction treatment, you have two primary setting options: inpatient heroin rehab and outpatient heroin rehab. Each setting has its unique advantages based on the severity of the addiction and individual circumstances.

Inpatient heroin rehab

Inpatient heroin rehab involves staying at a treatment facility where you receive 24/7 care and support. UKAT offers these programmes across the country, providing a structured environment essential for those with severe addictions or multiple relapses.

Outpatient heroin rehab

On the other hand, outpatient rehab allows you to live at home while attending scheduled treatment sessions at a clinic or treatment centre. This option is ideal for those with milder addiction or those who have completed an inpatient programme and need continued support.

Outpatient rehab offers flexibility, enabling you to maintain daily responsibilities like work or family commitments while receiving professional help. Additionally, outpatient programmes can often be taken online, making it even more convenient to access therapy and support from home.

What’s the best heroin rehab setting for me?

Choosing between inpatient and outpatient heroin addiction treatment is a personal decision best guided by an initial assessment from the programme’s compassionate staff. If your addiction is found to be severe, they may recommend the intensive support of inpatient care. However, if you’re experiencing signs of heroin addiction but don’t require immediate, intensive intervention, outpatient services, including convenient online options, can be highly effective.

Both options offer the support and resources essential for your recovery journey. Starting with a professional assessment ensures you receive the most appropriate care tailored to your needs.

Man taking drugs using injection

What can I expect from the heroin detox stage?

While opinions vary on which part of heroin addiction treatment is the toughest, many agree that the detox stage often stands out as the most challenging. This phase can feel even more overwhelming if you’re still determining what to expect. To help ease your worries, here’s a detailed timeline of the heroin detox process in an outpatient setting, where you will receive support every step of the way while staying at home.

Days 1-3

When you stop taking heroin suddenly, your body begins adjusting to its absence, often resulting in restlessness, muscle aches and difficulty sleeping. This happens because the body has become used to the drug’s influence on the central nervous system, particularly its ability to block pain signals and create a sense of relaxation. Without heroin, the body struggles to restore its natural state, causing these withdrawal symptoms.

How you may feel: Emotionally and physically, these first days can be very challenging. You might swing between feelings of frustration, anxiety and determination. This roller coaster of emotions is a sign of the mind and body beginning to heal.

Support available: Although you are at home, the medical team is just a call away, offering medications to ease physical discomfort and providing empathetic support through telehealth consultations to guide you through the roughest moments.

Days 4-7

As heroin withdrawal symptoms intensify during this period, you may experience nausea, chills or gastrointestinal discomfort. These symptoms occur because the sudden lack of heroin leaves the body craving the drug while it works to recalibrate its normal processes. The digestive system, which heroin slows down, speeds back up, causing nausea and stomach cramps. The nervous system’s heightened sensitivity also leads to chills and cold sweats.

How you may feel: During these challenging days, you may feel overwhelmed as your body adjusts. The craving for relief is strong, but connection with others can help maintain hope and motivation.

Support available: Your care team will refine treatments to alleviate symptoms and provide daily check-ins via phone or video calls. Virtual therapy sessions and online support groups create a safe space for sharing feelings, fears and aspirations, helping you stay focused on the end goal.

Days 8-14

After the initial week, the body starts stabilising without heroin, and physical symptoms gradually subside. This signifies that your body is regaining its natural rhythm as it becomes less dependent on the drug.

How you may feel: As the worst of the physical symptoms pass, you may begin to feel a sense of emotional renewal. Challenges remain, but your progress shows your strength and determination.

Support available: The focus shifts to emotional and psychological recovery from heroin addiction. Continued therapy sessions and support groups will guide you through managing heroin cravings and navigating this new chapter in your life. Your outpatient team remains accessible, providing resources and encouragement to keep you on track.

UKAT London Clinic’s 28-day online heroin rehab programme

UKAT London Clinic (ULC) is excited to launch its new 28-day online heroin rehab programme, designed to provide flexible, tailored treatment to those struggling with heroin addiction. This innovative programme offers a rolling 28-day structure that adapts to the individual needs of each participant, ensuring effective and personalised care.

Initial assessment

Before beginning the programme, each participant undergoes a comprehensive psychiatric assessment. This assessment helps determine whether an inpatient or online rehab approach is most suitable. Our experienced professionals use this assessment to understand your unique situation and create a customised treatment plan.

How the 28-day online heroin rehab programme works

Our online rehab programme runs on a rolling 28-day basis, offering flexibility in scheduling treatment sessions during the night, evening or weekends. This adaptability allows us to fit the programme seamlessly into your life, ensuring you receive the care you need without disrupting your daily routine.

The programme incorporates a variety of therapeutic methods to address all aspects of heroin addiction, including:

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT): Helps you identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviours associated with heroin addiction.
  • Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT): Focuses on managing emotions and developing coping strategies, both of which are crucial for maintaining sobriety.
  • Group counselling: Group counselling provides support and shared experiences with other people facing similar challenges with heroin addiction.

Join us at UKAT London Clinic and take the first step towards a healthier, addiction-free life with our 28-day online heroin rehab programme. Our team is dedicated to supporting you every step of the way. Contact us today for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe for me to undergo heroin detox at home?
Heroin detox at home is risky due to the potential for severe withdrawal symptoms; it’s safer to detox under medical supervision to manage complications.
What should I do if I relapse?
If you relapse, treat it as a learning experience, reach out to your support network, and recommit to your recovery plan without self-judgement.
How long does heroin withdrawal last?
Heroin withdrawal typically lasts about 7-10 days, with the most intense symptoms occurring within the first 3-4 days.
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UK Addiction Treatment Group.

We look forward to helping you take your first step.

0808 250 2626