
Cocaine Addiction Treatment (Detox and Rehab)

What is cocaine rehab?

Cocaine rehab is a structured treatment programme designed to help individuals overcome their addiction to cocaine. It involves a combination of medical detox and therapy to address both the physical and psychological aspects of addiction. The main goal of cocaine rehab is to help individuals achieve long-term sobriety by developing coping strategies, identifying triggers and addressing underlying mental health issues.

Most cocaine addiction treatment programmes are tailored to each individual’s needs, providing comprehensive support throughout the recovery process.


Do I need cocaine rehab?

Addiction can be incredibly sneaky, often weaving itself into your life without you fully realising it. In many cases of cocaine addiction, people may not be fully aware of how deeply the addiction has infiltrated their lives due to the highly addictive nature of the drug. However, this knowledge shouldn’t make you feel helpless. There are ways to determine if a problem may be forming or has already taken hold. One effective method is to answer the following questions:

  1. Do you find yourself using cocaine more frequently than you initially intended?
  2. Have you tried to cut down or control your cocaine use without success?
  3. Do you spend a significant amount of time obtaining, using or recovering from the effects of cocaine?
  4. Have you continued to use cocaine despite knowing it is causing problems in your personal or professional life?
  5. Do you experience cravings or strong urges to use cocaine?
  6. Have you neglected responsibilities at work, school or home because of your cocaine use?

If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to one or more of these questions it could indicate that there may be a potential cocaine addiction present that would benefit from cocaine addiction treatment.

Choosing the right cocaine rehab option for you

When seeking help for cocaine addiction, understanding the different rehab settings can guide you toward the best path for your recovery. The two primary options are inpatient drug rehab and outpatient drug rehab. Both have their merits and the choice between them depends on the severity of your addiction and your personal circumstances.

Inpatient cocaine rehab

Inpatient cocaine rehab involves staying at a facility where you can receive 24/7 care and support. This setting is ideal for individuals with severe cocaine addictions or those who need a structured environment to avoid triggers and focus solely on recovery. UKAT offers comprehensive cocaine rehab programmes across the country, providing a safe and supportive environment to help you overcome addiction.

Outpatient cocaine rehab

Outpatient cocaine rehab is a more flexible option, allowing you to live at home while attending scheduled treatment sessions. This setting is often recommended for those whose cocaine addiction is less severe or who have strong support systems at home. Outpatient cocaine rehab programmes enable you to maintain your daily responsibilities, such as work or family commitments while receiving the necessary support and therapy.

The initial assessment with UKAT’s experienced staff is crucial in determining the most appropriate setting for your rehab. If your addiction is assessed as severe, inpatient care may be recommended to provide intensive support. However, if the signs of cocaine addiction are less severe, outpatient services can be a highly effective and convenient option for your recovery journey.

Cocaine with nozzel

What to expect during the cocaine detox stage in an outpatient setting

Feeling scared or apprehensive about cocaine detox in an outpatient setting is completely normal. You may have heard stories about uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms and the challenges of going through detox, which can understandably put you off. Detoxing from any drug, including cocaine, is often a significant hurdle that prevents many from achieving sobriety.

However, with the right tools, information and strategies, detoxing from cocaine at home can be done safely and effectively.

Initial phase (First 24-72 hours)

The first few days of cocaine detox are often the most challenging. Withdrawal symptoms typically begin within a few hours to a day after your last use. During this time, you might experience:

  • Intense cravings: Your body and mind will crave cocaine as it starts to leave your system.
  • Fatigue: You may feel extremely tired as your body adjusts to the absence of cocaine.
  • Increased appetite: It’s common to feel hungrier than usual as your body starts to recover.
  • Depression and anxiety: Emotional lows are a normal part of the cocaine detox process, as cocaine affects the brain’s dopamine levels.

Outpatient cocaine addiction treatment services can provide support during this phase by offering counselling, medications to manage symptoms and a structured plan to keep you on track.

Acute phase (First week)

As you move past the initial phase, symptoms may change but can still be intense. During the first week, you might experience:

  • Mood swings: Emotional stability can be a challenge, with possible episodes of irritability and agitation.
  • Disturbed sleep: Insomnia or vivid, unpleasant dreams are common as your body adjusts.
  • Cognitive difficulties: Trouble concentrating and remembering things can occur as your brain starts to heal.

Outpatient cocaine addiction treatment programmes can assist by providing therapy sessions, both individual and group, to help you navigate these emotional and mental challenges. They may also suggest lifestyle changes and coping strategies to ease the process.

Subacute phase (Weeks 2-4)

Withdrawal symptoms typically begin to diminish after the first week but some symptoms may persist for several weeks. These may include:

  • Lingering cravings: Although less intense, cravings can still occur and need to be managed.
  • Anxiety and depression: Emotional symptoms may continue but should gradually improve.
  • Low energy: You might still feel fatigued but this should lessen over time.

During this period, outpatient services focus on long-term strategies for maintaining sobriety. This includes ongoing therapy and the chance to develop healthy habits and routines.

Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS)

In some cases, symptoms can persist for months after stopping cocaine use, known as Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS). These symptoms can include mood swings, anxiety and cravings. Outpatient rehab services remain crucial during this time, offering continued support and resources to help you stay sober.

Outpatient support every step of the way

Outpatient rehab services are designed to support you through every stage of the cocaine detox process. From medical supervision and medication to counselling and support groups, these programmes provide a comprehensive approach to ensure you are not alone. They offer practical strategies, emotional support and a structured environment to help you safely navigate cocaine detox and begin your journey toward long-term recovery.

Does UCL offer outpatient cocaine addiction programmes?

At UKAT London Clinic (ULC), we’re excited to launch our new 28-day online programme, which provides comprehensive and flexible drug rehab treatment. This programme begins with a thorough psychiatric assessment to determine whether an inpatient or outpatient cocaine rehab treatment approach is best for you.

If advised to take an outpatient option, you’ll enrol in our rolling 28-day online programme, structured to fit seamlessly into your life. Whether you prefer online treatment sessions during the night, evening or weekends, we tailor your treatment plan to your schedule. This flexibility ensures you receive the care you need without disrupting your daily commitments.

Our online treatment includes therapeutic modalities such as CBT, DBT and group counselling to help you change negative thought patterns and improve emotional regulation, both of which are vital for overcoming cocaine addiction.

Join us at ULC and take the first step towards recovery with our innovative and flexible 28-day online cocaine rehab programme.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe for me to undergo cocaine detox at home?
Cocaine detox at home can be challenging due to intense cravings and psychological symptoms; it’s safer to do so with professional support to manage potential risks.
What should I do if I relapse?
If you relapse, acknowledge it without self judgement, reach out for support, and refocus on your recovery plan, knowing that setbacks are part of the process.
Can cocaine withdrawal be fatal?
Cocaine withdrawal is not typically fatal, but it can lead to severe depression and suicidal thoughts, which require immediate medical attention.
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Calls and contact requests are answered by admissions at

UK Addiction Treatment Group.

We look forward to helping you take your first step.

0808 250 2626