Although they are often paired with one another, sex and love addictions can be quite distinct. Whilst a sex addict may also identify as a love addict, this is not always the case. There is some overlap between the two concepts, but they do not always go hand in hand for every individual.
What is sex addiction?
A sex addiction (or compulsive sexual behaviour) is considered, as both an ‘emerging psychiatric disorder’ and a specific type of behavioural addiction. Currently, ‘sex addiction’ is not a condition included in the diagnostic statistical manuals that clinicians use to diagnose disorders. Hypersexual disorder or compulsive sexual behaviour, however, are. This condition is
‘characterised by repetitive and intense preoccupations with sexual fantasies, urges, and behaviours that are distressing to the individual and/or result in psychosocial impairment.’
It has been linked especially with men (being 3-5 times more common in men than women) and is most experienced in late adolescence and early adulthood.
What is love addiction?
One research team indicates that whilst we ‘sometimes use the language of addiction when referring to love,’ love addiction as a distinct diagnosis is not currently in use. However, this does not mean that it does not exist as a phenomenon. There is a specific set of symptoms that would suggest a specific group of individuals experience love in this way. It can sometimes be useful to think of love addiction as a kind of relationship style – as a type of affective dependence. When this affective dependence takes hold, an individual may feel that their love for a specific person is too much to bear. Far from being the typical experience of romance, these feelings are further heightened into a flurry of obsession that burns so intensely that it can ‘lead to negative consequences.’
Sex/Love addiction symptoms
- Frequently fantasising about sex
- Thinking about sex at inappropriate times
- Problematic sexual behaviour
- Reduced boundaries around sex and emotional connection
- Finding it difficult to respect the boundaries of others
- Feeling quickly attached to people
- Fearing abandonment
- Struggling with being alone
- Cycles of intense socialisation followed by withdrawal
- Infidelity
- Moving from one relationship to another very quickly
- Feeling ‘empty’ when alone
- Fearing commitment
- Using sex as a surrogate for support
- Using sex and emotional connection to manipulate others
- Feeling unable to concentrate on other things
- Becoming cold, withdrawn or aloof
- Idealising others
- Feeling guilty after sex