
Alcohol Addiction Treatment (Detox and Rehab)

What is alcohol rehab?

Alcohol rehab is a comprehensive programme designed to help individuals overcome alcohol dependence through a combination of medical treatment and psychological support. This structured approach addresses both the physical and mental aspects of addiction.

Alcohol rehab includes detoxification to manage alcohol withdrawal symptoms, individual and group therapy to explore underlying issues and education on addiction and recovery strategies.

The goal is to equip you with the tools and support necessary for long-term sobriety and improved overall health.

Do I need alcohol rehab?

If you feel as though alcohol has become a negative part of your life or even sense that something just isn’t quite right, it could be a sign of alcohol dependency or addiction. Recognising these signs is crucial in determining whether alcohol rehab might be necessary.

One of the most effective ways to assess if there’s an issue is to answer some important questions truthfully and honestly. Doing so lets you gain clarity on your situation and take the first step towards seeking the help you may need.

  1. Do you find yourself needing to drink more alcohol to achieve the same effects you once felt with less?
  2. Have you experienced withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, tremors or sweating when you haven’t had a drink?
  3. Do you often drink more or for longer than you initially intended?
  4. Have you neglected responsibilities at work, school or home because of your drinking?
  5. Have you continued to drink despite knowing it is causing physical, psychological or social problems?
  6. Have you tried to cut down or stop drinking multiple times but found yourself unable to?

Answering “yes” to these questions could indicate a need for alcohol rehab and further medical assessment.

Choosing the right alcohol rehab option

When deciding on alcohol rehab, it’s crucial to understand the different settings available: inpatient and outpatient rehab. Each offers unique advantages, and choosing the right one depends on your specific needs and the severity of your addiction.

Inpatient alcohol rehab

Inpatient rehab provides a structured environment where you live at the facility for the duration of alcohol addiction treatment. This setting offers 24/7 medical monitoring and access to intensive therapy sessions. It’s particularly effective for those with severe addictions or a history of relapse.

Outpatient alcohol rehab

Outpatient rehab, on the other hand, allows you to live at home while attending alcohol addiction treatment sessions during the day. This setting offers flexibility, enabling you to maintain work, family and social commitments.

Outpatient programmes can vary in intensity, from daily meetings to a few weekly sessions. It’s a suitable option for those with a strong support system at home and a less severe addiction.

Outpatient rehab still provides access to therapy, support groups and medical treatment while allowing you to apply coping strategies in real-world settings.

Finding the right fit

The crucial first step in choosing between inpatient and outpatient rehab is an initial assessment with a medical professional. This assessment will evaluate the severity of your addiction, any co-occurring disorders and your support system at home.

While inpatient rehab is highly effective for those with severe addictions, outpatient rehab can be an excellent choice for those showing signs of addiction but not needing the intensive care of an inpatient programme. Outpatient rehab offers the flexibility to integrate alcohol addiction treatment into your daily life, making it a viable option for many individuals seeking recovery.

Ultimately, the decision should be based on professional advice from the assessment, ensuring you receive the most appropriate level of care for your journey to sobriety.

Should I be worried about the alcohol detox stage at home?

The thought of detoxing from alcohol at home can be daunting. The uncertainty of what lies ahead and the worry about managing symptoms on your own is enough to make anyone apprehensive. The good news is that with proper planning and support, you can navigate the alcohol detox process safely. Remember, outpatient alcohol rehab is only available to people who’ve been medically assessed as safe enough to commence alcohol detox at home, meaning you’re in the right environment to do so.

Here’s what you can expect during each stage of alcohol detox at home, along with how outpatient alcohol addiction rehab can support you through it.

0-12 hours

What to expect: The initial hours after your last drink might be relatively mild, with early symptoms including anxiety, headaches, nausea and mild tremors.

Outpatient support: Regular check-ins with a healthcare provider can help monitor your symptoms. They might suggest medication to ease anxiety and prevent complications.

12-24 hours

What to expect: Symptoms may become more noticeable, including sweating, increased heart rate, irritability and insomnia. However, severe symptoms are less likely in individuals cleared for outpatient detox.

Outpatient support: Attend scheduled appointments to discuss your symptoms and receive medical advice. Outpatient clinics often provide 24/7 helplines for immediate support.

24-48 hours

What to expect: This period can be challenging, with symptoms like confusion, fever and moderate tremors. The risk of severe symptoms such as seizures is lower for those deemed safe for outpatient detox.

Outpatient support: Daily or twice-daily visits to the clinic may be recommended. Healthcare providers can administer medications to manage symptoms and provide constant monitoring.

48-72 hours

What to expect: For many, the most intense symptoms begin to subside after 48 hours, but some symptoms, such as irritability, fatigue, and mood swings, can persist.

Outpatient support: Continue with regular outpatient appointments. Counselling and support groups can help you deal with the emotional and psychological aspects of alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

72+ hours

What to expect: By this time, acute alcohol withdrawal symptoms should have significantly lessened. However, psychological symptoms such as anxiety and depression may continue for weeks.

Outpatient support: Long-term outpatient care is crucial during this phase. Regular therapy sessions, support groups and lifestyle changes are essential for maintaining sobriety and addressing underlying issues.

ULC’s online alcohol rehab programme

At UKAT London Clinic we have created an innovative 28-day online alcohol rehab programme. Designed to provide comprehensive and flexible alcohol addiction treatment, this programme caters specifically to individuals struggling with alcohol addiction.

Here’s how it works:

Admission and assessment

At ULC, we understand that every individual’s experience with alcohol addiction is unique. Our tailored alcohol addiction treatment plans are crafted to address your specific needs and challenges. By focusing on your personal circumstances first, we can provide the most effective support and guidance throughout the recovery process.

This initial phase helps us determine whether an inpatient or online approach suits your needs best.

Rolling 28-day online alcohol rehab programme

Our online rehab programme operates on a rolling 28-day schedule, allowing you to join at any point and continue seamlessly. We work with you to establish a personalised treatment plan, whether you prefer sessions at night, in the evening or on weekends. This flexibility ensures that the programme fits into your life, making it easier to commit to your recovery journey.

How our online alcohol rehab programme works

Our online alcohol addiction treatment programme incorporates a range of therapeutic approaches, including one-on-one counselling, group therapy sessions and educational workshops. These sessions are conducted via secure video conferencing platforms, ensuring your privacy and convenience. You will have access to a dedicated team of professionals who will support you every step of the way.

Why choose ULC’s online alcohol rehab programme?

Choosing ULC’s 28-day online alcohol rehab programme means you are opting for a compassionate, flexible and personalised approach to recovery. Our knowledgeable and caring team is dedicated to helping you achieve lasting sobriety, providing you with the tools and support you need to reclaim your life from alcohol addiction.
For comprehensive insights into our programme and to discover how you can reclaim your life from alcohol addiction, reach out to us today. Our team is ready to provide you with world-class, expert guidance.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do if I relapse?
If you relapse, acknowledge it without self-judgement and refocus on your recovery by reaching out to your support system and revisiting the strategies that have helped you in the past. Remember, setbacks are a part of the journey, and what matters most is how you respond to them
Is it safe for me to undergo alcohol detox at home?
Undergoing alcohol detox at home can be risky, especially if you have a history of heavy drinking or previous withdrawal symptoms; it’s safer to do so under medical supervision. Always consult with a healthcare professional before attempting detox on your own.
Can alcohol withdrawal be fatal?
Yes, alcohol withdrawal can be fatal, especially if severe symptoms like seizures or delirium tremens occur. It’s crucial to seek medical attention if you’re planning to stop drinking after prolonged or heavy use.
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Calls and contact requests are answered by admissions at

UK Addiction Treatment Group.

We look forward to helping you take your first step.

0808 250 2626